
Saturday 31 December 2011

Bible Verse of the day.

"I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another. ... See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being, I tell you of them."

St. Gertrude's Prayer for Souls in Purgatory..

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most
Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus,
in union with the masses said throughout
the world today, for all the holy souls in
Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for
sinners in the universal church, those in
my own home and within my family.
          Learn by-heart and pray as much as u can..

St. Gertrude's life was the mystic life of the Cloister a Benedictine nun. She meditated on the Passion of Christ, which many times brought a flood of tears to her eyes. She did many penances and Our Lord appeared to her many times. She had a tender love for the Blessed Virgin and was very devoted to the suffering souls in Purgatory. She died in 1334. Her feast day is November 16th.
Now who can be in more urgent need of our charity than the souls in Purgatory? What hunger, or thirst, or dire sufferings on Earth can compare to their dreadful torments? Neither the poor, nor the sick, nor the suffering, we see around us, have such an urgent need of our help. Yet we find many good-hearted people who interest themselves in every other type of suffering, but alas! scarcely one who works for the Holy Souls.
Who can have more claim on us? Among them too, there may be our mothers and fathers, our friends and near of kin.
When they are finally released from their pains and enjoy the beatitude of Heaven, far from forgetting their friends on earth, their gratitude knows no bounds. Prostrate before the Throne of God, they never cease to pray for those who helped them. By their prayers they shield their friends from many dangers and protect them from the evils that threaten them.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

A simple way to get sound sleep

Hi its me John again,

Today 28 Dec 2011, and now time is 9. 45pm. I'm finished my work and just thought to post something for you guys.

At this time, obviously i feel sleepy.. So i would like to share a simple way to get proper sleep, i mean without tranquilizers. 

Now in our society so many people are using sedatives and sleeping pills to get good sleep. But i don't think it is a good way to get sleep, because with sedatives we force our body to sleep and we feel tired even after we wake in morning. We should get natural sleep, then only we would be able to retain our spanking new feel of mind and body. And we should dream in our sleep. Dreams have some importance in our life. I will tell you about dreams some other time. So we are missing more than we can imagine when we have sedatives. We don't realize it until we miss our good times.

So here is a simple and effective way to get natural sleep.

Talk a walk barefoot through a grassland. Like a golf course, cricket ground or even in your home if you have grass on your lawn. Practice it daily for 30 minutes in evening, then you can stop having sedatives.

 You will get natural sleep, and you'd feel more refreshing when you wake up. 

Try it.. No Side

Monday 26 December 2011

Control your Sneeze


    Have you ever got troubled with sneeze? when you are attending a conference where everyone is silent and listening to boss and your sneeze broke silence? Or in a prayer room, library or even in your home while your baby sleeping aside you, a hard sneeze can wake up the baby with a loud cry. Sneezing is a natural mechanism of human body. Animals do it too.. Many times we can't stop a sneeze, nor should you try if you have already started to sneeze. A sneeze pushes air out of the mouth and nose at speeds of up to 100 - 150 mph. 

However, if you feel a sneeze coming on and want to stop it before it starts, Here are some methods that may help you.

Pressing your tongue firmly behind your teeth.  You can also try tickling the roof of your mouth with your tongue or pinching the tip of your nose to stop the sneeze sensation.

If you feel a sneeze coming on and want to get it over with, looking onto a bright light can induce sneezing.

Try it next time...

Friday 23 December 2011

A Simple way to Stop the Tears

Hi Again,

    Crying in public can be inconvenient and very embarrassing, sometimes we cannot control our tears and emotions. Scholars say emotions cannot be controlled with intelligence. For example, They say emotions  are like a "house owner" and intelligence is like a "Security Guard" at the gate, and our body itself considered as a house. Things work like this, Security guard can prevent the intruders, but he can do nothing about the coming and leaving of house owner.

Like this we can't control our emotions completely with our intelligence, but we can use some simple techniques to subside its intensity.

  There are few things you can do to stop the flow of tears. Holding your eyes wide open without blinking can often stop tears from starting.

  If you have already started to cry, look upward with your eyes without tilting your head back to stop the tears.

Relaxing your jaw may also help hold back the tears, but if that doesn't work you might try gently biting your tongue to re-direct your attention to a slight physical pain until the emotional pain subsides.

Try it...  But please don't cry to try it....

Thursday 22 December 2011

Part-Time job opportunity

A Complete solution for your computer related problems.

I’m John from Cochin.

I’m going to tell you a simple way to make money from home with a personal computer and internet connection. Remember it is not a “BE A MILLIONAIRE IN A MONTH” program. My intention is to help jobless and job searching people to have a part-time job at their home, so they can work at their convenient time. Here you can work and make money, if you work more you get more money, if you don’t work then no money. As I mentioned earlier please don’t expect to be a millionaire with this job. If you are educated, you are targeted to your profession, and then keep on trying to achieve it. I won’t tell you to stick with this. Take this as only a part time job that can be helpful when you have nothing to work on and earn.

Let me come to the point.

1.      What is this actually?

Simply this is an internet web site which provides job and workers. If you are a job provider and you have lots of work to be done like BPO, data processing, encoding, image processing, data conversion etc. then you can upload it to this site. And thousands of workers are logged online waiting for jobs. So you will get your work done by them. You pay them if you satisfy with their work.

We are helping you to get a worker’s account in web site. So you can log in as an online worker and you have the privilege to select a convenient job, and complete it within the time limit. Then you will be getting paid.

2.      Is this a PAY TO JOIN web site?

No. this site is free to join; you may find this web site with help of any search engines.
(Not that easy anyway)

3.       Are you providing a free service?

No. We are charging Rs. 500/- for our service charge. (NOT REFUNDABLE)

4.       Why you are charging for a free web site?

We are charging you Rs 500 for guiding you to a safe scam free legitimate site. You won’t get cheated.

5.      If you can earn from web site then why don’t you make money yourself? Why you trying to join others?

Actually in my case, I never planned this before.  A month ago I was trying to get a genuine online job. Then I found out a job provider in Cochin itself via newspaper, and they are charging Rs. 1500 for internet jobs, they told me they are interlinked with an American company which provides work. I paid them Rs. 1500 and got my user id and password.  After getting my user id and password I realized that the job provider is a free web page, and the firm who received Rs 1500 from me is just a scam. They cheat people and make money.

Because I made another account in that site within few minutes with Rs.0/-

So I decided to use the same idea without misleading or cheating people.
I NEVER WANT TO CHEAT ANYONE that is why I’m telling you the truth that is THIS IS A FREE SITE. And we charging Rs. 500 for guiding to a safe scam free, legitimate site.

Here you can earn as per you work. And with draw money as DD to your home address.

6.      Are you giving training for this job?

No. Because when you are online, your account may have more than 200000 of jobs at a time.
So it is not possible to give you training for all the jobs. If anyone is telling you “we will give you training and make you fit to earn from internet”, let me tell you my friend, they are not genuine. They are trying to get more money from you as training fee.

7.      Without training how can I work?

It is Simple. Every work you chooses, you will receive a short description about that work. It will tell you;
a)  How u should do the job
b)  What are the points to check?
c)  What are the points to avoid?
d)  What to exclude and include
e)  How to submit
f)  What is the pay out cash?
g)  Limitations etc. Much more can be expected as per the characteristics of work you choose.
8.      Why should I join you?

But if you are planning to join some where else or like to work online from home, then it is less expensive to join us. Because for this same job other firms are charging Rs.1000 to 2500/-
You can make sure about it on your own.

9.    How to Join?

      If you would like to join then you can call us on 0890 703 4 703. we will give u details.

NB: I or we are not a firm or registered company. I am a normal person like all of you. I am doing this with good intention only. I prefer good and wellbeing of man kind and all the living things, non living things and our Earth. I am showing you a method to earn income through online job. It is not depend on me how you use it or miss use it. You do this with your own risk.