
Monday 23 January 2012

Are we humans or Aliens??

  Hi dear friends,

  In this post I'm going to tell you something crazy. It has no scientific evidence or nothing serious in it, so take it as my stupid thought. If you are in a hurry you can skip this post. I don't know when I started to think like this, but it’s been a while I have this thought (foolish thought) in my head.

    You ever noticed around you seriously?

    I mean everything around us is totally different from us humans. Plants, animals, birds they don’t hurt nature, don’t build buildings, don’t invent anything, don’t experiment nuclear bombs, don’t fight on any boundary issue or for oil mines, don’t get married, don’t burry the dead ones, and they don’t even laugh..

    Why humans do everything? Why are we entirely different from every other species??

    Some of you would say God made us to dominate other species… Or some other guys would say it’s because of our chromosomes, 46 chromosomes holding the data of 48 chromosomes. And much more reasons. And I agree whatever you say must have real and strong background. But I like to think some other way.

    Since last decades of 19th century, our scientists are curious about life existence beyond earth, Extra Terrestrial, Aliens etc. And they are having plenty of experiments regarding the same.

   What if we humans itself are Aliens??

   We yet don’t have any significant proof or knowledge about our past, how human came to earth? Scientists and theories say we are the result of evolution. Religions say everything is made by The Almighty God.

   What if we humans were well-organized, well-developed, highly sophisticated, technologically advanced aliens at the time of big-bang? What if we came to visit earth in the search of life forms after the big-bang? And we went through some time changing phenomenon like black hole and we lost contact with our home planet? We survived because earth’s nature and spread as the result of evolution?


   I know what you are thinking right now…

   You think I’m brainless?? Huh?

   Yeah that’s right...
   Nothing serious... Just a foolishness to make you loose your precious times… take care.

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